Underwood Dentist

Dental Sedation Treatment

Anxious About Your Treatment?

Quality Dentists And Dental Care In Underwood

Dental Sedation Treatment

If you or your kids are anxious about dental treatment, sedation dentistry can take the stress out of the experience.
One of the key benefits of sedation dentistry is that it enables crucial treatment for people who would otherwise be too frightened to visit a dentist – putting their oral health and general wellbeing at risk.
Sedation can also be beneficial for patients with a strong gag reflex. Gagging entails both physiological and psychological reactions, and sedatives can address both issues for procedures such as impressions, fillings and X-rays.
Dental sedation can sometimes refer to as sleep dentistry, but not all dental sedation are sleep dentistry, although in most cases patients stay awake but relaxed. Two levels of sedation are often available at dental clinics: minimal sedation and moderate sedation.

Minimal dental sedation

Minimal sedation dentistry can be administered orally or by inhalation, or by a combination of both methods.

Oral sedation entails taking a relaxant drug ahead of treatment. This works on the central nervous system to lessen nervousness by subduing activity in the receptors in the brain that trigger anxiety responses. The dosage is determined by the patient’s weight, age and overall health.

With inhalation sedation, you breathe in a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide (happy gas) through a mask. Nitrous oxide produces a calming effect by stimulating pleasant feelings. Special breathing masks are available for kids, and pleasant scents may be incorporated into the gas to make the sedation process less intimidating.

Moderate dental sedation

Moderate sedation dentistry – also known as intravenous (IV) sedation or sleep dentistry – involves injection of an anti-anxiety drug into the blood system via a vein in the arm or hand.

It works fast and levels can be adjusted easily. Dosage takes into account the length of the dental procedure.

Oxygen and pulse levels are monitored throughout treatment, and blood pressure is checked before and afterwards.

Can sedation dentistry help me?

Dental sedation may be beneficial if you:

  • Have had a bad experience with previous dental treatment
  • Have particularly sensitive oral nerves
  • Have a small mouth
  • Are resistant to local anaesthetic
  • Have a general anxiety disorder
  • Have a phobia about dental procedures (odontophobia)

Dental sedation at Underwood Dentistry can help patients across all types of procedures, from routine cleanings to invasive treatments such as tooth extraction. Contact us to find out more about the benefits of sedation dentistry.

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