Underwood Dentist

Teeth Whitening Logan & Underwood

Looking To Get Sparkling White Teeth?
Want That Hollywood Smile?

Quality Dentists And Dental Care In Underwood

Professional Teeth Whitening Logan

Our teeth can become stained because of the dark pigments in the food and drinks we enjoy. And they may take on a yellowish appearance as we get older.

If you want to counter problems like these to get a healthy, sparkling smile, our professional teeth whitening in Logan and Brisbane has several advantages compared with over-the-counter whitening merchandise.

Store-bought teeth whitening trays are one-size-fits-all, mass-produced products. This can result in the bleaching agent leaking onto and damaging your gums and tongue.

Our professional teeth whitening in Logan provides a safer and far more effective solution, with teeth several shades brighter.

Types of Professional Teeth Whitening

Your Underwood dentist can whiten your teeth at the dental practice or prescribe whitening trays you can use at home.

In both cases, the whitening process is carefully supervised to ensure your safety. This allows use of a more powerful bleaching agent than that found in over-the-counter teeth whitening products, so it produces better results.

In-clinic Logan Teeth Whitening

Chairside teeth whitening generally takes 90 minutes or less and the effects last for months or even longer.
Your dentist can adjust the concentration and levels of the bleaching agent and will ensure your gums and other parts of your mouth are protected. They may also have special ultra-violet (UV) lighting systems to intensify whitening.

Prescription Teeth Whitening Trays

For at-home professional Logan teeth whitening, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth so that precision-fit custom whitening trays can be made. The close fit will ensure the whitening agent stays in contact with your teeth.

Back home, you fill each tray with a whitening gel from your dentist and wear the trays several hours a day. Many people achieve their desired whitening in a week or two, but it could take longer.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the most popular option in cosmetic dentistry because it provides an affordable way to make a big impact on your appearance. It benefits your dental health as well.
Before whitening your teeth, your dentist or dental hygienist will remove plaque and tartar that build up on teeth. This professional cleaning not only helps in the teeth whitening process but is also a major part of preventive dentistry to safeguard oral health.

Contact us to find out more about the benefits of our professional teeth whitening here in Underwood and if they are the best option to transform your smile.

Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Individual results can vary.

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Our Other Teeth Whitening Service Locations

Slacks Creek

Slacks Creek

Sunnybank Hills
